(i) Corporate Culture & Identity - New

This module expounds the concept of organizational culture and the corresponding influence on corporate performance. It proposes the use of Process Approach (Schein) and Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn) to promote positive culture change for performance improvement.


(ii) From Assumptions to Lasting Collaborations - New

The power of assumptions wields considerable influence over individuals, relationships, and businesses more than we are conscious of its effects. Assumptions have an uncanny ability to control one’s thoughts and behaviors subtly. This workshop introduces the strategies to unveil and challenge limiting assumptions to chart new frontiers for creativity, emotional intelligence, and collaborations.

(iii) Forging New Frontiers for Your Success -Transformational Change - New

In today’s economy, leaders, professionals and business owners face a slew of uncertainty, complexity and rapid changes. Such pressing realities demand us to respond differently. The ability to transform limitations into new possibilities anchors upon new transformational ways of thinking and acting. In this talk, Bryan unpegs the fundamental principles of authentic learning and leading to spur individuals to greater success.

(iv) Managing Changes Effectively

img-29Change confronts us daily. As much as change is needed, we find it uncomfortable. The transition to change brings about multiple questions:

  • How does one prepare for change?
  • Why do people support or resist change?
  • What can I do to ease the stress induced by change?
  • How can I be an agent of change?

This module confronts the reality of change head-on! It discusses the implications of change and examines primary human responses in a change-environment. It proposes ways of stress management during changes and highlights practical strategies to handle change efficiently.

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